How to Lay ASYA IZOYÜN 12 Insulation Brick?
August 7, 2023Öncelikle duvar örülürken, duvarın örüleceği zemini teraziye almak suretiyle ilk tuğla iki duvarın kesişim noktasına (dik) hazırlanan yapıştırıcı, hazır harç vb. ile teraziye alınarak yerleştirilir. Yalıtım tuğlalarında diğer tuğlalara farkla daha az harç kullanılmalıdır. Yoğunluğu daha az olarak hazırlanan harç tuğlanın ortasına gelmeyecek şekilde kenarlarına sürülür. Tercihen gerek görülürse kilit sisteminin bulunduğu noktanın kenarına çok az miktarda yapıştırıcı, hazır harç vb. sürülebilir.

It is not possible to make mistakes in bricks placed later due to the lock structure of the brick that is fixed first. While placing the second row of bricks, the starting half brick is placed and the wall is staggered. With the locked structure and high compressive strength of the developed brick system, it can be built vertically or horizontally depending on the usage area. For example, vertical masonry should be preferred for a masonry building (load-bearing wall), while it can optionally be built horizontally for interior and non-bearing walls.

Since the insulated brick (İZOYÜN) is built with very little mortar and compressed from the top and sides of the wall with its locked structure, the lock structure is interlocked and the wall becomes one-piece. In this case, the wall that is built becomes more solid and durable. Heat and sound transmission is weakened, so an excellent insulation is provided. One of the biggest reasons why insulated brick (İZOYÜN) products are preferred is that the sheathing material is flammable and threatens human health due to the toxic gas it creates when it burns. At the same time, the sheathing material starts to disappear from the point where it gets air over time and completely loses its insulation feature.

Another point to be considered is that gypsum material should not be used directly after the wall is built. Preferably, it is recommended to apply rough plaster. The biggest reason for recommending rough plaster is that it has lower heat and sound conductivity. Preferably, plaster material is applied to the surface on which rough plaster is applied, and then it is finished with an optional paint process.